The boys were pooped...
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
New (Almost) Jogging Stroller
The boys were pooped...
Posted by Rebecca at 10:48 AM 2 comments
Play Dates Are Back!!
Oh, how we love our play dates with Haley and Stephanie!! We started this little tradition last Summer so Haley and Maddux could play together, and Mommy and Stephanie could have a little fun, too. We meet at Vista Ridge where the kids get this cool stroller, play on the playground, eat lunch at Burger King and have an afternoon snack of cookies after more play time on the cars and playground. They get along so well. We are all so grateful for the time together and away from the house.
Posted by Rebecca at 10:36 AM 0 comments
Braves Fans
The Atlanta Braves were in town for the first time in three years last week, so naturally, we were there to see them. Tim Hudson (get it?) pitched on Tuesday and got the loss in a 7-5 Rangers victory. Ryan was able to use his company's season tickets, so our seats were great. Both boys did so well.
Maddux had a blast with Daddy and RyRy, and Hudson hung with me most of the night. Our usher told me he thought Hudson was the youngest fan there that night.
Maddux went with RyRy and Daddy to the next game on Wednesday and sat in the upper deck. The Braves won that night 5-2, much to their delight.
Posted by Rebecca at 10:12 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Monday, June 2, 2008

I'm sure any parent with a colicky baby knows how we feel. You'll do
ANYTHING to get some relief, for your baby and yourselves. Here's what I found at Sprouts last week after some web research: Gripe Water! So far, it seems to be helping a bit. Evenings are the worst, with constant crying and spitting-up, but he's actually a lot calmer, if not totally quiet after a couple doses. I'll be stocking up on this stuff, for sure. It's $10 a bottle, but I'd spend $50!

I've also discovered Dustan Baby Language. I'd heard of this after the lady appeared on Oprah a while back, and was given the DVD weeks before Hudson was born. Last Sunday, at our wits end, we sat down to learn. And learn, we did. Turns out all babies make these 5 different sounds, all signalling a different need. The video shows examples of actual babies making each noise, and with each one, we were able to identify the variation that sounded like our little guy. It's amazing! We've really benefitted from being able to identify his needs by his different cries. The most frustrating is his cry for "lower wind" (he's gotta toot), since we have a hard time alleviating that pain for him. The video goes on to show different holds and postitions for burping, which have helped a lot, too. I think this is my new default baby shower gift. Every parent should have this!!
Posted by Rebecca at 12:56 PM 1 comments
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