Monday, June 2, 2008


It didn't take long for Hudson to prove himself a "windy" boy. A nurse at the hospital told me that he was awfully gassy for a breastfed baby. I should have realized then that we had a busy time ahead of us. Poor little guy...

I'm sure any parent with a colicky baby knows how we feel. You'll do
ANYTHING to get some relief, for your baby and yourselves. Here's what I found at Sprouts last week after some web research: Gripe Water! So far, it seems to be helping a bit. Evenings are the worst, with constant crying and spitting-up, but he's actually a lot calmer, if not totally quiet after a couple doses. I'll be stocking up on this stuff, for sure. It's $10 a bottle, but I'd spend $50!

I've also discovered Dustan Baby Language. I'd heard of this after the lady appeared on Oprah a while back, and was given the DVD weeks before Hudson was born. Last Sunday, at our wits end, we sat down to learn. And learn, we did. Turns out all babies make these 5 different sounds, all signalling a different need. The video shows examples of actual babies making each noise, and with each one, we were able to identify the variation that sounded like our little guy. It's amazing! We've really benefitted from being able to identify his needs by his different cries. The most frustrating is his cry for "lower wind" (he's gotta toot), since we have a hard time alleviating that pain for him. The video goes on to show different holds and postitions for burping, which have helped a lot, too. I think this is my new default baby shower gift. Every parent should have this!!


House said...

Luke was my screamer...hope Hudson's goes away quickly! Seemed like Luke was 6 months before he got better.

I was wondering about the baby language...I saw that lady on Oprah and thought she was full of poo...interesting to hear that it makes sense!